Wednesday, September 29, 2010


What a week so far!  Joe, my oldest, is still going crazy for the girls and is now "going out" with his ex-girlfriends best friend...eek...not a good plan kiddo!  Guess all that blond hair of his and his good looks are getting him more attention then we ever would have thought!  Wish he spent more time on his grades then those darn girls :(  My husband had "the talk" with him last night and he couldn't stop giggling.  He started the conversation in the living room and before it got graphic, Nathan, our 7 year old, was pretending not to listen while he was reading.  A couple of times he just said, "ew" then he finally looked up and said, "Puberty is gross"...yes Nathan puberty is gross, mama agrees...

1 comment:

  1. I love this!!! I am so happy you decided to blog. Just keeps me that much closer to you and your beautiful family. Can't wait for more =0)
